Meet Kashmeera

Kashmeera is 14 years old and lives with his family in a remote area called Baminiyanwila in Sri Lanka. He is the youngest of three children and has two older sisters who are pursuing their higher education. He is currently in Grade 9 and attending Ambalantota Central College. Kashmeera’s father is a farmer and the family depends on his small salary for all their expenses. His mother is a housewife and while one of his sisters is attending a government university, the other is trying to pursue her higher studies. Kashmeera’s father’s earnings are spent on the family’s basic necessities and his sister’s higher education, leaving very little finances to provide Kashmeera with ongoing support for his schooling.

How Can You Help?

Kashmeera’s family is hoping to receive some financial aid to help support his education, visit our Get Involved page and tell us how you want to help!