Meet Risindu

Risindu is 15 years old and lives with his family in a remote area called Sildelwatte in Sri Lanka. He lives with his older sister, father and mother and is the youngest in the family. Risindu is currently in Grade 10 and attending MR/Thalalla North Dharmawijaya Central College. His father works as a hired driver and the entire family depends on his salary for all their expenses. Risindu’s mother is a housewife and despite their financial hardship, his sister is hoping to pursue her higher studies. With his father’s small salary being spent on their ongoing household needs and his older sister’s higher education, it doesn’t leave much for Risindu. 

How Can You Help?

Risindu’s family is hoping to receive some financial aid to help support his education, visit our Get Involved page and tell us how you want to help!