Deshan Madhushanka

Meet Deshan Deshan is 12 years old and lives with his family in Rohanapura village in Thanamalwila. He has an 11 year old sister and they are both currently studying …

Chamara & Sandya

Meet Chamara & Sandya Chamara Prasanna is 6 years old and lives with his mother and two siblings in Polwattewela, Badula. Chamara’s mother is a single mother and has no …

S.P. Rukshan Induwara

Meet Rukshan Rukshan is 5 years old and lives with his family in a rural area called Andaluwa, Kolambage-ara. Rukshan is from a very poor family who are currently living …

S.A. Kalana Anuhas Nimnada

Meet Kalana Kalana is 8 years old and lives with his parents in Karambagalmulla, Ambantota. He is currently in Grade 3 attending Karambagalmulla Junior School. Kalana was diagnosed with a …

A.G.G. Nirwan Anjana Gamage

Meet Nirwan Nirwan is 12 years old and lives with his mother and two older brothers in a remote area called Kiriellawatte in Sri Lanka. Nirwan currently attends Sumana Central …

G. Tharuma Samangi

Meet Tharuma Tharuma is 13 years old and lives with her family in a remote area called Paragastota in Sri Lanka. She lives with her older brother, father and mother …

M.A Risindu Wibodha

Meet Risindu Risindu is 15 years old and lives with his family in a remote area called Sildelwatte in Sri Lanka. He lives with his older sister, father and mother …

D.R.G. Kashmeera Dilshan

Meet Kashmeera Kashmeera is 14 years old and lives with his family in a remote area called Baminiyanwila in Sri Lanka. He is the youngest of three children and has …