
Meet Ayshan

Ayshan is 9 years old and lives with his parents in Horagolla,Nawalapitiya. Ayshan has been receiving medical treatment for years for his disability but his family are finding it extremely difficult to afford his ongoing expenses. His family is struggling to fulfil their basic need for food, clothing and medication for Ayshan. With the current crisis in Sri Lanka, the cost of medicine has skyrocketed, making it difficult for families like Ayshan’s to purchase much needed medicine.  

How Can You Help?

Ayshan’s family is hoping to receive some financial aid to help with his ongoing medical treatment and his everyday living expenses. Donate now to help Ayshan!

Paththunu Pitiya Maha Vidyalaya

Paththunu Pitiya Maha Vidyalaya

Paththunu Pitiya Maha Vidyalaya is located 5km from Nawalapitiya town, just off the  Nawalapitiya – Gampola road. A lot of these students are children who cannot afford to go into town to attend school. Majority of these children don’t even have proper houses to live in and many are raised by single parents. Due to the current crisis in Sri Lanka, families are finding it difficult to provide their children with breakfast and dinner, so the students of Paththunu Pitiya Maha Vidyalaya often go to school hungry.

How Can You Help?

The school is hoping to receive some financial aid to provide food, shoes and other essential school items to their students. Visit our Get Involved page and tell us how you want to help

$3500 GOAL
$590 Raised
Support Paththunu Pitiya Maha Vidyalaya

Make A Donation Today

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Donation Total: $50.00

Ulapane Maha Vidyalaya

Ulapane Maha Vidyalaya

Ulapane Maha Vidyalaya is located in a rural area called Gampola. There are 357 students between the ages of 5 to 18, from grade 1 to 13. More than 60% of these children go to school on an empty stomach as their families do not have the money to provide them with a meal. Due to the current crisis, cost of living has drastically increased, leaving many children like the Ulapane Maha Vidyalaya’s students in hunger.

How Can You Help?

The school is hoping to receive some financial aid to provide food, shoes and other essential school items to their students. Visit our Get Involved page and tell us how you want to help

$5000 GOAL
$850 Raised
Support Ulapane Maha Vidyalaya

Make A Donation Today

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Donation Total: $50.00

Deshan Madhushanka

Meet Deshan

Deshan is 12 years old and lives with his family in Rohanapura village in Thanamalwila. He has an 11 year old sister and they are both currently studying at Mo/sevanagala Usbim Maha Vidyalaya. His mother works as a labourer. Sadly, his father passed away 6 months ago from a kidney disease, making Deshan’s mother the sole provider. His mother’s income is not enough to cover both Deshan’s and his sister’s educational needs on top of their living expenses due to her unsteady income.

How can you help?

Deshan’s mother is hoping to receive some financial aid to help support Deshan’s education, visit our Get Involved page and tell us how you want to help!

Chamara & Sandya

Meet Chamara & Sandya

Chamara Prasanna is 6 years old and lives with his mother and two siblings in Polwattewela, Badula. Chamara’s mother is a single mother and has no permanent job to provide for her children. She has been working as a labourer and farmer and must leave her children with her sick mother to find work in order to bring food home. Chamara’s older sister, Sandya Saroga Shamali is deaf and mute and in 2019 social services built them a small house to live in. Sandya is in Grade 11 and attends a Special School in Bandarawella.

In 2020, Chamara only attended 3 months of pre-school as his mother could not afford to pay the ongoing tuition fees. Chamara is starting Grade 1 this year but his mother has no money to buy him or his siblings essential school supplies, including shoes, a water bottle or books, in order for them to attend school.

How can you help?

Chamara’s mother is hoping to receive some financial aid to help support her children’s education, visit our Get Involved page and tell us how you want to help!

S.P. Rukshan Induwara

Meet Rukshan

Rukshan is 5 years old and lives with his family in a rural area called Andaluwa, Kolambage-ara. Rukshan is from a very poor family who are currently living in a rental house. Rukshan is one of three children and has an older brother and sister who are currently in school. His father is a hired driver and his mother is a housewife. Rukshan is expecting to start school in 2021. His father is struggling to make ends meet as his salary is not enough to cover all his children’s expenses.

How Can You Help?

Rukshan’s family is hoping to receive some financial aid to help support his education, visit our Get Involved page and tell us how you want to help!